Dear Future PTCShare Members,

PTCShare has a great potential of giving you the advertising you need while making you the money you want.

But before you join, I will give you a very special offer that will help you kickstart your PTCShare business.

I Will Give You A Total Of 14,725 BAP (worth $7.3625) To Kickstart Your Account So You Don't Need To Make An Initial Out-Of-Pocket Purchase

Imagine, with my FREE 14,725 BAP BONUS, you get to...

  1. Start earning faster immediately a few steps after sign up
  2. Take PTCShare for a risk-free and even profitable test-drive
  3. Get ahead of thousands of other members who start from zero
  4. Be guided and supported on what to do and not to do while you set up your account for success!


Great! Please follow the instructions closely:

1. Click here to join PTCShare as my referral (make sure your referrer is richiemontalbo)

2. Send me an email to with subject "PTCSHARE BONUS" with your PTCShare username. This makes sure that you joined through this page and not from my other regular advertising.

3. Upon sign up, you will get 100 BAP Welcome Bonus from PTCShare. Then you can collect another 40 BAP by clicking the activation ads (8 ads x 5 BAP each). You should click your activation ads daily and receive 40 BAP each day.

Now you already have 140 BAP from PTCShare.

4. I will PIF you 1600 BAP. You will need to click a link on your email to receive it. Now you have 1740 BAP in your account and you will start receiving Paid Ads.

Paid Ads will consume your BAP. A $0.0005 ad is worth 1 BAP.

5. Click all the ads that you will receive. Be careful not to let them expire. Each ad expires 18 hours from the time that you received them. Check your account at least two times a day to view your ads before they expire. You can check more often especially when you receive more ads so you'll have more time to view them.

When the paid ads you receive expire, that means you are losing BAP, hence you are losing money.

6. After you earn $0.05 on your account, I will PIF you 1500 BAP. Send me an email with screenshot that you have already earned $0.05.

This will qualify you to buy the Recycler Upgrade.

Hot Tip: Instantly earn $0.10 by giving your basic profile details at TheoremReach (under cash offers).

7. Buy the Recycler Upgrade. You can buy it for $0.05 and you will receive a total of $1 worth of ads that expired from other members.

At this point you will receive 10-25 ads a day, or maybe more.

You will also be part of Group 1 and will start to receive higher value ads from the Group Ad Issue.

As usual, click all you ads. You might need to check your account more often during the day to view your ads.

Earn your way up until you earn your first $1.00

8. Buy your first bulk ad. Make sure you are buying bulk ad and not pure ad. Each ad campaign costs $1, and it will give you 2360 BAP (which is worth $1.18). You can advertise anything you want. The important thing is that you increase your BAP every time you buy advertising. More BAP means you will receive higher value ads.

9. I will PIF you another 1,000 BAP after you buy your first bulk ad.

At this point you have created a routine of logging in daily to your PTCShare account, clicking your activation ads, clicking all your ads, buying bulk ads every time you reach $1, and buying Recycler Upgrade everytime you have receive $1 worth of Recycled Ads.

But there is more to learn about PTCShare, like ClickGrid, games, cash offers, BAP rewards, and APS. Don't worry. I will give you more tips and strategies as you go along.

Right now my goal is to kickstart your PTCShare journey. You can always buy bulk ads with your own money if you have some to spare.

10. I will PIF you 1,000 BAP for every 10th ad pack you buy until your 50th ad pack.

Buy Ad Pack #10 = 1,000 BAP
Buy Ad Pack #20 = 1,000 BAP
Buy Ad Pack #30 = 1,000 BAP
Buy Ad Pack #40 = 1,000 BAP
Buy Ad Pack #50 = 1,000 BAP

11. I will PIF you 5,625 BAP once you buy your 60th ad pack.

That concludes my 14,725 BAP giveaway. At this point your PTCShare account will be up and running and ready for success.

And it all started when you sign up as my referral.

If you have more questions or suggestions, feel free to email me.

Here's to your PTCShare success,


"The secret to getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain